
2022/1/10 坐标系

  本页对地心坐标系(Geocentric Coordinate System,GEOCCS)的基础参数的进行介绍,并统计了 232 个地心坐标系的官方 ID(EPSG),坐标系名称,基准面,椭球体等参数。

# 简介

  以地球质心为原点建立的空间直角坐标系,或以球心与地球质心重合的地球椭球面为基准面所建立的大地坐标系。通常分为地心空间直角坐标系(以 X,Y,Z 为其坐标元素)和地心大地坐标系(以 B,L,H 为其坐标元素)。


  地心坐标系是在大地体内建立的 O-XYZ 坐标系。原点 O 设在大地体的质量中心,用相互垂直的 X,Y,Z 三个轴来表示,X 轴与首子午面与赤道面的交线重合,向东为正。Z 轴与地球旋转轴重合,向北为正。Y 轴与 XZ 平面垂直构成右手系。

  本页所统计的地心坐标系 X(Geocentric X), Y(Geocentric Y), Z(Geocentric Z)均为 OTHER,OTHER,NORTH;单位为 metre(meter,米);中央经线为 Greenwich(格林尼治,0°)。

# 基准面

  地心坐标系的基准面及其对应的椭球体参见 地理坐标系 相关内容。

# 主要坐标参数


原始的基准面名称以 连接每个单词,为了方便展示,下表用 空格 进行替代,请知悉!

例如: Taiwan Datum 1997,原始的基准面名称为 Taiwan Datum 1997。

官方 ID 坐标系名称 基准面 椭球体
EPSG:3822 TWD97 Taiwan Datum 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:3887 IGRS Iraqi Geospatial Reference System GRS 1980
EPSG:4039 RGRDC 2005 Reseau Geodesique de la RDC 2005 GRS 1980
EPSG:4073 SREF98 Serbian Reference Network 1998 GRS 1980
EPSG:4079 REGCAN95 Red Geodesica de Canarias 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4328 WGS 84 WGS 1984 WGS 84
EPSG:4330 ITRF88 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1988 GRS 1980
EPSG:4331 ITRF89 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 GRS 1980
EPSG:4332 ITRF90 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 GRS 1980
EPSG:4333 ITRF91 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 GRS 1980
EPSG:4334 ITRF92 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4335 ITRF93 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 GRS 1980
EPSG:4336 ITRF94 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:4337 ITRF96 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:4338 ITRF97 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:4340 Australian Antarctic Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 GRS 1980
EPSG:4342 EST97 Estonia 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:4344 CHTRS95 Swiss Terrestrial Reference System 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4346 ETRS89 European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 GRS 1980
EPSG:4348 GDA94 Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:4350 Hartebeesthoek94 Hartebeesthoek94 WGS 84
EPSG:4354 JGD2000 Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4356 LKS94 Lithuania 1994 ETRS89 GRS 1980
EPSG:4358 Moznet Moznet ITRF94 WGS 84
EPSG:4360 NAD83(CSRS) NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System GRS 1980
EPSG:4362 NAD83(HARN) NAD83 High Accuracy Reference Network GRS 1980
EPSG:4364 NZGD2000 New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4366 POSGAR 98 Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1998 GRS 1980
EPSG:4368 REGVEN Red Geodesica Venezolana GRS 1980
EPSG:4370 RGF93 v1 Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v1 GRS 1980
EPSG:4372 RGFG95 Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4374 RGR92 Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4376 SIRGAS 1995 Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para America del Sur 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4380 Yemen NGN96 Yemen National Geodetic Network 1996 WGS 84
EPSG:4382 RGNC 1991 Reseau Geodesique Nouvelle Caledonie 1991 International 1924
EPSG:4384 RRAF 1991 Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 WGS 84
EPSG:4385 ITRF2000 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4387 ISN93 Islands Net 1993 GRS 1980
EPSG:4389 LKS92 Latvia 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4465 RGSPM06 Reseau Geodesique de Saint Pierre et Miquelon 2006 GRS 1980
EPSG:4468 RGM04 Reseau Geodesique de Mayotte 2004 GRS 1980
EPSG:4473 Cadastre 1997 CADASTRE 1997 International 1924
EPSG:4479 China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 China 2000 CGCS2000
EPSG:4481 Mexico ITRF92 Mexico ITRF92 GRS 1980
EPSG:4556 RRAF 1991 Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 GRS 1980
EPSG:4882 Slovenia 1996 Slovenia Geodetic Datum 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:4884 RSRGD2000 Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4886 BDA2000 Bermuda 2000 WGS 84
EPSG:4888 HTRS96 Croatian Terrestrial Reference System GRS 1980
EPSG:4890 WGS 66 World Geodetic System 1966 NWL 9D
EPSG:4892 NAD83(NSRS2007) NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2007 GRS 1980
EPSG:4894 JAD2001 Jamaica 2001 WGS 84
EPSG:4896 ITRF2005 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 GRS 1980
EPSG:4897 DGN95 Datum Geodesi Nasional 1995 WGS 84
EPSG:4899 LGD2006 Libyan Geodetic Datum 2006 International 1924
EPSG:4906 RGNC91-93 Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93 GRS 1980
EPSG:4908 GR96 Greenland 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:4910 ITRF88 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1988 GRS 1980
EPSG:4911 ITRF89 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 GRS 1980
EPSG:4912 ITRF90 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 GRS 1980
EPSG:4913 ITRF91 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 GRS 1980
EPSG:4914 ITRF92 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4915 ITRF93 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 GRS 1980
EPSG:4916 ITRF94 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:4917 ITRF96 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:4918 ITRF97 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:4919 ITRF2000 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4920 GDM2000 Geodetic Datum of Malaysia 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4922 PZ-90 Parametry Zemli 1990 PZ-90
EPSG:4924 Mauritania 1999 Mauritania 1999 GRS 1980
EPSG:4926 Korea 2000 Geocentric datum of Korea GRS 1980
EPSG:4928 POSGAR 94 Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1994 WGS 84
EPSG:4930 Australian Antarctic Australian Antarctic Datum 1998 GRS 1980
EPSG:4932 CHTRS95 Swiss Terrestrial Reference System 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4934 EST97 Estonia 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:4936 ETRS89 European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 GRS 1980
EPSG:4938 GDA94 Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:4940 Hartebeesthoek94 Hartebeesthoek94 WGS 84
EPSG:4944 ISN93 Islands Net 1993 GRS 1980
EPSG:4946 JGD2000 Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4948 LKS92 Latvia 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4950 LKS94 Lithuania 1994 ETRS89 GRS 1980
EPSG:4952 Moznet Moznet ITRF94 WGS 84
EPSG:4954 NAD83(CSRS) NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System GRS 1980
EPSG:4956 NAD83(HARN) NAD83 High Accuracy Reference Network GRS 1980
EPSG:4958 NZGD2000 New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4960 POSGAR 98 Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 1998 GRS 1980
EPSG:4962 REGVEN Red Geodesica Venezolana GRS 1980
EPSG:4964 RGF93 v1 Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v1 GRS 1980
EPSG:4966 RGFG95 Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4968 RGNC91-93 Reseau Geodesique de Nouvelle Caledonie 91-93 GRS 1980
EPSG:4970 RGR92 Reseau Geodesique de la Reunion 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:4972 RRAF 1991 Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991 GRS 1980
EPSG:4974 SIRGAS 1995 Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para America del Sur 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4978 WGS 84 WGS 1984 WGS 84
EPSG:4980 Yemen NGN96 Yemen National Geodetic Network 1996 WGS 84
EPSG:4982 IGM95 Istituto Geografico Militaire 1995 GRS 1980
EPSG:4984 WGS 72 World Geodetic System 1972 WGS 72
EPSG:4986 WGS 72BE WGS 72 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris WGS 72
EPSG:4988 SIRGAS 2000 Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para las AmericaS 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:4990 Lao 1993 Lao 1993 Krassowsky 1940
EPSG:4992 Lao 1997 Lao National Datum 1997 Krassowsky 1940
EPSG:4994 PRS92 Philippine Reference System 1992 Clarke 1866
EPSG:4996 MAGNA-SIRGAS Marco Geocentrico Nacional de Referencia GRS 1980
EPSG:4998 RGPF Reseau Geodesique de la Polynesie Francaise GRS 1980
EPSG:5011 PTRA08 Autonomous Regions of Portugal 2008 GRS 1980
EPSG:5244 GDBD2009 Geocentric Datum Brunei Darussalam 2009 GRS 1980
EPSG:5250 TUREF Turkish National Reference Frame GRS 1980
EPSG:5262 DRUKREF 03 Bhutan National Geodetic Datum GRS 1980
EPSG:5322 ISN2004 Islands Net 2004 GRS 1980
EPSG:5332 ITRF2008 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2008 GRS 1980
EPSG:5341 POSGAR 2007 Posiciones Geodesicas Argentinas 2007 WGS 84
EPSG:5352 MARGEN Marco Geodesico Nacional de Bolivia GRS 1980
EPSG:5358 SIRGAS-Chile 2002 SIRGAS-Chile realization 1 epoch 2002 GRS 1980
EPSG:5363 CR05 Costa Rica 2005 WGS 84
EPSG:5368 MACARIO SOLIS Sistema Geodesico Nacional de Panama MACARIO SOLIS GRS 1980
EPSG:5369 Peru96 Peru96 GRS 1980
EPSG:5391 SIRGAS ES2007.8 SIRGAS ES2007 8 GRS 1980
EPSG:5487 RGAF09 Reseau Geodesique des Antilles Francaises 2009 GRS 1980
EPSG:5544 PNG94 Papua New Guinea Geodetic Datum 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:5558 UCS-2000 Ukraine 2000 Krassowsky 1940
EPSG:5591 FEH2010 Fehmarnbelt Datum 2010 GRS 1980
EPSG:5828 DB REF Deutsche Bahn Reference System Bessel 1841
EPSG:5884 TGD2005 Tonga Geodetic Datum 2005 GRS 1980
EPSG:6133 CIGD11 Cayman Islands Geodetic Datum 2011 GRS 1980
EPSG:6309 CGRS93 Cyprus Geodetic Reference System 1993 WGS 84
EPSG:6317 NAD83(2011) NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2011 GRS 1980
EPSG:6320 NAD83(PA11) NAD83 National Spatial Reference System PA11 GRS 1980
EPSG:6323 NAD83(MA11) NAD83 National Spatial Reference System MA11 GRS 1980
EPSG:6363 Mexico ITRF2008 Mexico ITRF2008 GRS 1980
EPSG:6666 JGD2011 Japanese Geodetic Datum 2011 GRS 1980
EPSG:6704 RDN2008 Rete Dinamica Nazionale 2008 GRS 1980
EPSG:6781 NAD83(CORS96) NAD83 Continuously Operating Reference Station 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:6934 IGS08 IGS08 GRS 1980
EPSG:6978 IGD05 Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 WGS 84
EPSG:6981 IG05 Intermediate CRS IG05 Intermediate Datum GRS 1980
EPSG:6985 IGD05/12 Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 2012 WGS 84
EPSG:6988 IG05/12 Intermediate CRS IG05 12 Intermediate Datum GRS 1980
EPSG:7071 RGTAAF07 Reseau Geodesique des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises 2007 GRS 1980
EPSG:7134 IGD05 Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 WGS 84
EPSG:7137 IGD05/12 Israeli Geodetic Datum 2005 2012 WGS 84
EPSG:7371 ONGD14 Oman National Geodetic Datum 2014 GRS 1980
EPSG:7656 WGS 84 (G730) World Geodetic System 1984 G730 WGS 84
EPSG:7658 WGS 84 (G873) World Geodetic System 1984 G873 WGS 84
EPSG:7660 WGS 84 (G1150) World Geodetic System 1984 G1150 WGS 84
EPSG:7662 WGS 84 (G1674) World Geodetic System 1984 G1674 WGS 84
EPSG:7664 WGS 84 (G1762) World Geodetic System 1984 G1762 WGS 84
EPSG:7677 PZ-90.02 Parametry Zemli 1990 02 PZ-90
EPSG:7679 PZ-90.11 Parametry Zemli 1990 11 PZ-90
EPSG:7681 GSK-2011 Geodezicheskaya Sistema Koordinat 2011 GSK-2011
EPSG:7684 Kyrg-06 Kyrgyzstan Geodetic Datum 2006 GRS 1980
EPSG:7789 ITRF2014 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 GRS 1980
EPSG:7796 BGS2005 Bulgaria Geodetic System 2005 GRS 1980
EPSG:7815 WGS 84 (Transit) World Geodetic System 1984 Transit WGS 84
EPSG:7842 GDA2020 Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 GRS 1980
EPSG:7879 St. Helena Tritan St Helena Tritan WGS 84
EPSG:7884 SHGD2015 St Helena Geodetic Datum 2015 GRS 1980
EPSG:7914 ETRF89 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1989 GRS 1980
EPSG:7916 ETRF90 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1990 GRS 1980
EPSG:7918 ETRF91 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1991 GRS 1980
EPSG:7920 ETRF92 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1992 GRS 1980
EPSG:7922 ETRF93 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1993 GRS 1980
EPSG:7924 ETRF94 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1994 GRS 1980
EPSG:7926 ETRF96 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:7928 ETRF97 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 GRS 1980
EPSG:7930 ETRF2000 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:8084 ISN2016 Islands Net 2016 GRS 1980
EPSG:8227 IGS14 IGS14 GRS 1980
EPSG:8230 NAD83(CSRS96) North American Datum of 1983 CSRS96 GRS 1980
EPSG:8233 NAD83(CSRS)v2 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 2 GRS 1980
EPSG:8238 NAD83(CSRS)v3 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 3 GRS 1980
EPSG:8242 NAD83(CSRS)v4 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 4 GRS 1980
EPSG:8247 NAD83(CSRS)v5 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 5 GRS 1980
EPSG:8250 NAD83(CSRS)v6 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 6 GRS 1980
EPSG:8253 NAD83(CSRS)v7 North American Datum of 1983 CSRS version 7 GRS 1980
EPSG:8397 ETRF2005 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2005 GRS 1980
EPSG:8401 ETRF2014 European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 GRS 1980
EPSG:8425 Hong Kong Geodetic CS Hong Kong Geodetic GRS 1980
EPSG:8429 Macao 2008 Macao Geodetic Datum 2008 GRS 1980
EPSG:8541 NAD83(FBN) NAD83 Federal Base Network GRS 1980
EPSG:8543 NAD83(HARN Corrected) NAD83 High Accuracy Reference Network-Corrected GRS 1980
EPSG:8683 SRB ETRS89 Serbian Spatial Reference System 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:8697 RSAO13 Reference System de Angola 2013 GRS 1980
EPSG:8816 MTRF-2000 MOMRA Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 GRS 1980
EPSG:8898 RGWF96 Reseau Geodesique de Wallis et Futuna 1996 GRS 1980
EPSG:8915 SIRGAS-CON DGF00P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF00P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8917 SIRGAS-CON DGF01P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF01P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8919 SIRGAS-CON DGF01P02 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF01P02 GRS 1980
EPSG:8921 SIRGAS-CON DGF02P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF02P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8923 SIRGAS-CON DGF04P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF04P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8925 SIRGAS-CON DGF05P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF05P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8927 SIRGAS-CON DGF06P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF06P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8929 SIRGAS-CON DGF07P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF07P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8931 SIRGAS-CON DGF08P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network DGF08P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8933 SIRGAS-CON SIR09P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR09P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8935 SIRGAS-CON SIR10P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR10P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8937 SIRGAS-CON SIR11P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR11P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8939 SIRGAS-CON SIR13P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR13P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8941 SIRGAS-CON SIR14P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR14P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8943 SIRGAS-CON SIR15P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR15P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8945 SIRGAS-CON SIR17P01 SIRGAS Continuously Operating Network SIR17P01 GRS 1980
EPSG:8947 SIRGAS-Chile 2010 SIRGAS-Chile realization 2 epoch 2010 GRS 1980
EPSG:9001 IGS97 IGS97 GRS 1980
EPSG:9004 IGS00 IGS00 GRS 1980
EPSG:9007 IGb00 IGb00 GRS 1980
EPSG:9010 IGS05 IGS05 GRS 1980
EPSG:9015 IGb08 IGb08 GRS 1980
EPSG:9070 NAD83(MARP00) North American Datum of 1983 MARP00 GRS 1980
EPSG:9073 NAD83(PACP00) North American Datum of 1983 PACP00 GRS 1980
EPSG:9138 KOSOVAREF01 Kosovo Reference System 2001 GRS 1980
EPSG:9146 SIRGAS-Chile 2013 SIRGAS-Chile realization 3 epoch 2013 GRS 1980
EPSG:9151 SIRGAS-Chile 2016 SIRGAS-Chile realization 4 epoch 2016 GRS 1980
EPSG:9182 SIRGAS-Chile SIRGAS-Chile GRS 1980
EPSG:9266 MGI Militar-Geographische Institut Bessel 1841
EPSG:9292 ONGD17 Oman National Geodetic Datum 2017 GRS 1980
EPSG:9307 ATRF2014 Australian Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 GRS 1980
EPSG:9331 KSA-GRF17 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geodetic Reference Frame 2017 GRS 1980
EPSG:9378 IGb14 IGb14 GRS 1980
EPSG:9468 SRGI2013 Sistem Referensi Geospasial Indonesia 2013 WGS 84
EPSG:9545 LTF2004(G) Lyon Turin Ferroviaire 2004 GRS 1980
EPSG:9694 REDGEOMIN Red Geodesica Para Mineria en Chile GRS 1980
EPSG:9700 ETRF2000-PL ETRF2000 Poland GRS 1980
EPSG:9753 WGS 84 (G2139) World Geodetic System 1984 G2139 WGS 84
EPSG:9775 RGF93 v2 Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2 GRS 1980
EPSG:9780 RGF93 v2b Reseau Geodesique Francais 1993 v2b GRS 1980